Trusted by 150,000 team members globally


Customer Wins

Real quotes from real conversations

Double participation rates

We got an 85% response rate on our first NPS pulse survey. Reaching our team in Slack has been very efficient.
Founder's Profile

Adam Bores

Data Clymer - Director
of Employee Exp.
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Retain high performers

It’s those small appreciation moments that people remember. They help people when making a decision to stay with an organization or look at another opportunity.
Founder's Profile

Shavanti Houchens

ShootProof - Director
of People Ops
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Understand your team

We had assumptions but didn't have the actual had data for it...we saw the effect of it within the first week and said if we got one thing approved. THIS IS IT.
Founder's Profile

Lana Clark

Coro - Vice President
of Talent
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Take your employee experience to new heights, today

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Build your employee experience to new heights, today

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of insights can your AI provide from our Glassdoor reviews?

The custom report analyzes the sentiment, themes, strengths, weaknesses, and recommendations from employee feedback. This empowers strategic action.

Do you have access to our actual Glassdoor review content? 

Wrenly's analysis is generated by aggregating themes and sentiment from your public Glassdoor ratings and comments.

Can the report help us benchmark our employer brand reputation over time?

Yes, periodic reports can track trends in areas like culture, leadership, compensation, work-life balance over time to measure employer brand progress.

How long does it take to get the AI-powered report on our reviews?  

Results are provided within 1 business day or less after submitting your request. The process is fast and simple.

Is there any cost associated with requesting a custom AI report for Glassdoor reviews?

No, requesting a custom AI report for analyzing your Glassdoor reviews is completely free.

How does the AI analyze Glassdoor reviews to identify culture strengths and areas for improvement?

The AI evaluates Glassdoor reviews to highlight key themes in your company's culture, pinpointing strengths and areas needing attention, and then suggests actionable steps for improvement.

Can you share examples of how other companies have successfully used their Glassdoor report to enhance employee satisfaction or retention?

Companies have seen significant outcomes, such as doubling participation rates in surveys and achieving high response rates, indicating an improvement in employee engagement and satisfaction.